

Since its founding in 2007, financial services provider Partners Group SK has aimed to offer world-class financial planning. The company's products enable even the smallest clients to take advantage of professional private financial services.

Partners Group SK develops exclusive financial products in collaboration with leading financial companies. Its competitive advantages include low fees and greater added value for clients.

Client requirements

The client's infrastructure has gradually grown from a few servers originally to an entire rack including several disk arrays. Recently, they've added a disaster recovery site with additional storage. An architecture formerly prone to single points of failure has evolved into one that is fault-resistant at several levels. The solution accounts for a variety of risks and possible failiures: power, network interface, switch and router outages. Even a failure of the primary site is covered, with restoration of services to a certain degree.

Digmia's approach and solution

Infrastructure expansion was realized in multiple stages:
  • Addition of new virtualization hosts.
  • Modifications to network components (routers and switches)
  • Upgrade to the storage infrastructure.
  • Addition of disaster recovery sites.

Benefits to the client

  • Reduction of single points of failure
  • Addition of disaster recovery sites
  • Increased infrastructure performance
  • Backups with the ability to roll back to particular points in time